Here are my nine pinnacle suggestions for helping you create your best (most-read, most-shared, and most valuable) content this year and beyond.
1. Write to The Right People with Targeted Keywords
Your SEO content material won’t reach the proper people in case you fail to optimize it with centered keywords.
What do I imply by “centered keywords”?
These are key terms and terms for which your target market niche is actively searching.
To find these phrases, you should first understand:
  • Who your audience segments are.
  • What type of data they want.
  • Why they want that facts.
  • Which key phrases they’re using to locate it.
This may seem like a lot, however it actually isn’t if you wreck it down into some activities:
  • Audience research: Identify the type of audience you observed wants/desires what you offer. Then, go find wherein they congregate online. Talk to them. Survey them. Figure out their non-public habits, preferences, demographics, and stats. (Marketing Land has a good manual on this process.)
  • Keyword research: Find relevant, worthwhile keywords that relate on your expertise, your products/services, and your target market’s search intent.
  • Topic research: Come up with content material topics based totally on the focused keywords you located and what your audience desires to learn/know.
2. Improve Your Page Speed
A simple way to improve your search engine optimization content in 2019:
Improve your page speed.
Help your pages and content absolutely load and display faster.
The slower your web page speed, the extra annoyed you’ll make your customers.
Who wants to sit down around expecting a internet site to load?
According to a BBC News report, half of of buyers won’t wait greater than 3 seconds for a retail page to load.
And research from the Nielsen Norman Group revealed that most users will depart pages inside 10-20 seconds.
3. Focus on Readability
SEO content material that shoots to the top of SERPs has a few matters going for it, including this most important feature:
It’s distinctly readable.
When your target audience clicks your link, every single element on the web page makes them need to live and read it.
And, while they live and read, that makes your web page look tremendous to Google.
It signals, “Hey, this web page is relevant to the quest query! The consumer has discovered the data they were looking for!”
That signal is referred to as stay time – or, the quantity of time that passes among the point while you click on a search end result and the point while you go back to the results page.
Readability contributes to longer live times with a few qualities that are baked in:
  • Clarity
  • Organization
  • Logic
  • Simplicity
To be readable, your content wishes to convey every kind of information in an comprehensible way.
And, while your content is understandable to more humans, more human beings will stay longer, that allows you to help your Google rankings.
4. Invest in Visuals
According to research from Skyword, articles containing relevant photos experience 94 percent extra perspectives than articles without pix.
That’s because we’re literally wired to notice snap shots and reply to them.
However, the effect of inserting well-designed, superb pictures to your content is much more than throwing in multiple random, overused stock photos.
Your content material will look more cohesive, professional, and authoritative with the proper pics, so it’s a good concept to spend money on them for better SEO.
5. Do Original Research
Original studies is a large link magnet for search engine optimization content.
If you can include sparkling statistics, studies, information, and studies for your pieces, you’ll be throwing out heaps of opportunities for other web sites to link to you and cite your findings, no longer to mention brilliant fee for your industry and audience.
According to the 2018 State of Original Research for Marketing record by using Mantis Research and BuzzSumo, fifty six percentage of marketers who use original studies in their content material say it handed or met expectations.
On pinnacle of that:
  • 74 percent report that they’ve visible greater internet site traffic due to original studies.
  • 63 percentage stated they see extra social shares.
Needless to say, studies is an notable way to enhance your SEO content material.
Some OG research ideas:
  • Do a case take a look at based totally for your brand success or failure – each are valuable teaching tools.
  • Survey your industry and collect the results.
  • Analyze your very own data/metrics and submit your findings.
6. Go Deeper in Your Content
A big SEO fashion for 2019 is creating content material that is going deeper and farther into a topic.
This works for higher scores because, according to digital marketer Eric Enge, Google is “intensifying its focus” on content pleasant.
This is what Enge said in a recent trends put up from Danny Goodwin on SEJ:

“We tracked the SEO overall performance of some of one-of-a-kind sites. The websites that provided amazing intensity in pleasant content material coverage actually soared in scores in the course of the year. Sites that were weaker in their content material intensity suffered in comparison.”

Furthermore, in keeping with Enge, this trend goes to continue.
So, how must you go approximately developing deeper content?
  • Write long-form blog posts – suppose 2,000 words or more.
  • Explore subjects which have many special aspects and angles.
  • Write last guides.
  • Go in addition than surface-level research. Instead of a cursory Google search, strive Google Scholar, JSTOR, or industry publications to find new statistics and studies.
7. Be the expert
These days, Google is valuing authority/professional authorship in content extra than ever before.
Reputation matters.
According to Google’s recently up to date search fine evaluator guidelines, the writer of the content and that man or woman’s history both make a contribution to a page’s exceptional.
Reputation proof can encompass the following:
  • First-person experience (i.E., you’ve been crafting for 10 years and posted a craft book, or you are an skilled horseback rider and took lessons, etc.)
  • What the wider net says about you (think reviews, forum discussions, author bios, news, and Wikipedia articles, etc.)
To this end, along with an About web page for your website, as properly as creator bio pages for your blog, are important for recognition-building.
Don’t forget about to create bios for all of your guest-running a blog opportunities, as well.
8. Format Content for Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are becoming heaps of attention inside the SERPs recently, and that will handiest preserve into 2019.
These little blocks of facts may display up on a results page whilst a user asks a question, in line with Google.
As you may see, featured snippets get the primary spot at the tip top of the page – a hugely desirable location to be!
That’s because the featured snippets definitely steal visitors away from the #1 spot, according to an Ahrefs study.
To boom the probability of your content material getting “snipped” for a featured snippet, there are a few tactics you may try:
  • Answer questions definitively to your content material.
  • Make your content material the highest nice possible.
  • Use numbered and bulleted lists.
  • Include stats and data.
  • Structure your content logically. This guide from Moz shows a way to do it.
9. Provide the Facts (and Properly Cite Them)
These days, the internet makes it smooth for just about any “expert” to make outlandish claims with none helping facts. (Check out the Snopes Junk News Archive to peer what I mean.)
That means people who do provide helping facts, sources, and statistics in their content will without problems differentiate themselves for the better.
The key for trustworthy search engine optimization content material: Research!

Feel free to contact us and ask us about these online marketing strategies you needs if you have a project on which you would like us to quote. We hope you’ll hear from us soon.